
Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-19 um 23.35.04

Rina Chandran from Reuters / Thomson Reuters Foundation interviewed Fabian Dembski on “digital twins” and how they could help create healthier cities after the Covid-19 pandemic (05/2020)

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-21 um 22.43.33

Sarah Wray from the global scientific magazine Cities Today reports on the digital urban twin of Herrenberg / Germany. (05/2020)

Bildschirmfoto 2020-05-14 um 22.34.28

Eric Gedenk from the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing reports on the digital twin of a small German town which was created as part of a research project of the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart in cooperation with the Fraunhofer IAO Institute, ZIRIUS at the University of Stuttgart and the communication office Ulmer. The article received great feedback in the international press, among others the following publications (05/2020):
LA Network (Spanish)
PHYS ORG (English)
tekk (German)
Intelligent Transport (English)
Tendencias Technológicas (Spanish)


GIM International, the geomatics journal, reports on the digital twin of a German medium-sized town which we developed and visualised at the HLRS (November 2019).


InSiDE Magazine, the bi-annual publication of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing is reporting in the autumn 2019 issue about the Urban Systems / Global Challenges / Digital Tools symposium held at the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart in May 2019.

Südwest Presse (Germany) writes about the new super computer at HLRS (High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart) and our virtual urban model of Herrenberg at the visualization department (12/2018).

RegioTV (Germany) is reporting on the “Living Lab Urban:Quarters 4.0” research project (HLRS, University of Stuttgart), the virtual city model (digital twin) and a newly developed mobile app for urban analysis (05/2018).

Westfälische Nachrichten (Germany) has published a critique about Shih’s piece “Wolken und Wellen” (Clouds and Waves) by Chr. Schulte im Walde. We were responsible for the mise-en-scène of this sound sculpture premiered in Münster, Germany (05/2018).


“A Connecting “Separation”” (klang:punkte) (Austria / English) The light-space-sound installation “Search for Truth” is featured in the current issue of the music journal “klang:punkte / sound:files” (Nr. 45, Doblinger) as the cover story (2017).

72 timbals surrounding the audience

Wo der Weihnachtsstern ein Baum ist” (Austria / German) chapter in the book “Wege die man nicht vergißt” by Dietmar Grieser about the project “Prayer” in Taiwan (2015, Amalthea Verlag).


Obnovljena Viverica (ORF / Dobar dan Hrvati) (Austria / Croatian) Austrian Broadcast ORF visited the kindergarten “Viverica” (2014).


Dembskis Heterotopie (Skin) (Austria / German) Skin publishes a review about the “Sept Ans de Bonheur” project (2014 by Franco Veremondi).

stage and orchestra (rehearsal)

Ruhe und große Emotion (klang:punkte) (Austria / German & English) A detailed story about the “Prayer” project (2012 by Walter Weidringer).

Pauken, Prunk, Plantagen (Die Presse) (Austria / Ger.) Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” writes about the “Prayer” project (2012).

Und zum Abschied ein Lächeln (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung) (Germany / German) The FAZ with a detailed story about the centennial of Republic of China and the “Prayer” project and concert (2011 by Dirk Schümer).

China Times – Prayer (Taiwan / Chinese) China Times reports about the “Prayer” project (2011).

編輯/謝俊峰 (China News) (Taiwan / Chinese) The “Prayer” project in China News (2011).

旅奧作曲家施捷新作納入12國語言 為國家百歲「祈福」(Radio Taiwan International : Chinese) RTI about the “Prayer” project (2011 by Erik Class).

祈福 (Music Browser) (Taiwan / Chinese) Music Browser’s big report about the “Prayer” project in Taiwan (2011). 

mirrored treehouse (Fabian Dembski)

Mirror Mirror on the Wall (Architizer) (USA / English) Architizer is reporting about the “mirrored treehouse concept” (2011).

Homebase für Netznomaden (formart – Magazin für Architektur & Wohndesign/Die Presse) (Austria / German) comments on interior design (2008 by Christina Merl) link